What the UFO? We're processing the emerging scientific revolution around this fascinating subject.
We talk about what the UFO/UAP phenomenon might be, explore historical sightings, track new developments, and generally feel our way through this wild, exciting territory.
If you're a researcher, experiencer or ufologist and you'd like to share your story or get the word out about your work, please find us on X @WTUFOshow.
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44 episodes
S4E5: Dr. Jack Sarfatti ~ Theoretical Physicist
Dr. Jack Sarfatti is a sparkling, adventurous thinker, and he's been applying his technical acumen to UFOs in various ways for an astounding 70 years. Jack says he was charged by the CIA in 1974 with investigating consciousness and ...
Season 4
Episode 5

S4E4: Alejandro Rojas ~ UAP Discovery CEO, Enigma Labs Consultant, SCU Founding Member
Alejandro is president and CEO of the non-profit UAP Discovery and a consultant for Enigma Labs, which has developed a UAP reporting app and alert network. He also...
Season 4
Episode 4

S4E3: Dr. Kimberly Engels ~ Philosophy Professor, John Mack Institute Director of Research and Development
Dr. Engels teaches philosophy at Molloy University, specializing in existentialism and phenomenology. She also leads Research and Development at the John Mack Institute, where she works to bring experiencer narratives into more scientific and p...
Season 4
Episode 3

S4E2: Nick Gold ~ Declassify UAP Founder
Nick's background in media technology put him in contact with many government agencies, which helped him see our legal system as approachable and human. He founded Declassify UAP to help people contact their elected representatives and press fo...
Season 4
Episode 2

S4E1: Thomas Jane ~ Actor, Writer, Director, Producer
Thomas is a movie star. He's played lead roles in major films like The Punisher and The Predator, and TV shows like Hung and The Expanse. He manages entertainment companies, directs, produces and stars in film and TV projects, and writes both f...
Season 4
Episode 1

S3E13: Grant Cameron ~ UFO Researcher and Writer
Grant Cameron has been researching UFOs for over 50 years. He's a prolific writer and speaker, with over 20 publications to his name. Grant's interview with us is freewheeling and intense. To be honest, we don't know what to make of...
Season 3
Episode 13

S3E12: Dr. Matthew Szydagis ~ UAPx Scientist, University at Albany Physics Professor
Dr. Matthew Szydagis teaches physics at the University at Albany and researches dark matter with the Lux-Zeplin project. He's also a scientist with UAPx where he participated in the first UAP expedition in 2021. We discuss funding ...
Season 3
Episode 12

S3E11: Dr. Michael Uhall ~ Author, Theorist, Indiana University Political Science Professor
Dr. Uhall teaches political theory and the history of thought at Indiana University and works as an administrator in research and strategy at the University of Illinois. He's working on a book called "Theory of the Alien."We discuss con...
Season 3
Episode 11

S3E10: Krys Devine and Ariel Elizabeth ~ Hosts of The Elephant In The Room 411 Podcast
This is a fun one. Krys and Ariel host The Elephant In the Room 411 Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/@ElephantInTheRoom411 We talk about how to discuss the UFO subject with family and friends, how to center experiencers in the cult...
Season 3
Episode 10

S3E9: Gary Voorhis Jr. ~ Co-Founder and President of UAPx, 2004 USS Nimitz UAP Witness
Gary Voorhis Jr. is a Co-Founder and President of UAPx, and a direct witness of the 2004 UAP encounters by the U.S.S. Nimitz carrier group leading up to the famous Tic Tac incident. We discuss Gary's experience in 2004 witnessing t...
Season 3
Episode 9

S3E8: Robert Powell ~ SCU Executive Board Member, "UFOs" Author, Nanotech Engineer
Robert Powell is a co-founder and Executive Board Member of the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies. He served as Director of Research at MUFON from 2007-2017 and created their Science Review Board. Robert holds a BS in Chemistry and co-holds ...
Season 3
Episode 8

S3E7: Dr. Kevin Knuth ~ Physics Professor, Contributor to UAPX, SCU, SUAPS, Sol, IFEX and Galileo
Dr. Knuth is a Full Professor in the Department of Physics at the University at Albany (SUNY) and the Editor-in-Chief of the journal Entropy (MDPI). He holds various positions leading and consulting with almost every major UFO organization, inc...
Season 3
Episode 7

S3E6: Rich Hoffman ~ Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies Co-Founder
Rich Hoffman celebrated 60 years of UFO investigation in 2024. He's an IT consultant and strategist, and a defense contractor with Army Material Command. One of the first members of MUFON, he rose through the ranks to serve as Director of Inves...
Season 3
Episode 6

S3E5: Dr. Brannon Wheeler ~ US Naval Academy Professor
Dr. Brannon Wheeler teaches history of religion, Middle East, and the Bible at the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis. He's authored and edited several books on these topics, including Mecca and Eden: Ritual, Relics, and Territory in Isla...
Season 3
Episode 5

S3E4: Kevin Wright ~ Solve Advocacy Founder, SCU and NPI Advisor
Kevin Wright is a public relations and communications expert. He focuses on edge science issues and advises the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies’ (SCU) Board of Directors on public affairs and publi...
Season 3
Episode 4

S3E3: Birdie Jaworski ~ Founder and Director of ABQ UFOs, Expert Remote Viewer
Birdie is amazing. She founded ABQ UFOs, which is one of the largest volunteer organizations of UFO enthusiasts, and she's among the most accomplished civilian remote viewers. We discuss her work and experience in both areas here, and look clos...
Season 3
Episode 3

S3E2: John and Gerry Tedesco ~ UAP Field Study Engineers
John and Gerry Tedesco are likely the world's most experienced civilian UAP trackers. They've logged hundreds of hours of data collection in their mobile lab Nightcrawler units with dozens of high-quality sensor instruments, including advanced ...
Season 3
Episode 2

S3E1: Dr. Jim Garrison ~ New Paradigm Institute Washington DC Director
Jim Garrison directs the Washington DC operations of New Paradigm Institute. We discuss how disclosure will impact the rhythms of human history, how humans can start processing the presence of nonhuman intelligence, and how New Paradigm is prep...
Season 3
Episode 1

S2E13: Renate Erdal ~ Leader of UFO Norway
Renate Erdal is the leader of UFO Norway, a construction project manager, and a Captain in the Norwegian Army Reserves. We talk about UFO Norway's activities, Norwegian UFO history, how to make disclosure a healthy process, and what we'...
Season 2
Episode 13

S2E12: Dr. Michael Glawson ~ Host of the Anomalous Review Podcast, Cohost of UAP Studies Podcast
Dr. Michael Glawson is a philosopher, consultant and podcast host. His teaching and research subjects include the philosophies of religion, technology and science. We discuss next steps for UAP studies, the conceptual challenges of...
Season 2
Episode 12

S2E11: Stephanie Dwilson ~ The Verified Report Founder
Stephanie Dwilson is a licensed attorney with a master's in science in science and technology journalism. She founded The Verified Report to cover UAP news from a serious, unbiased perspective. Check out her work here: https://theverifi...
Season 2
Episode 11

S2E10: Stephen Bassett ~ Paradigm Research Group and Hollywood Disclosure Alliance Cofounder
Stephen Bassett is the first UFO disclosure lobbyist. He's been working to end the military truth embargo on UAP for over 20 years. Support WTUFO: https://www.patreon.com/wtufo Shop Spacefare: https://spacefare.et...
Season 2
Episode 10

S2E9: Dr. Michael Cifone ~ Society for UAP Studies Co-Founder
Dr. Cifone is an accomplished philosopher of science and the founder of the Society for UAP Studies: https://www.societyforuapstudies.org/ He also edits the Society's peer-reviewed journal Limina: https://limina.uapstudies.org/&nbs...
Season 2
Episode 9

S2E8: Andy McGrillen ~ That UFO Podcast Host
Andy McGrillen hosts That UFO Podcast, our favorite podcast about UFOs. We talk about ontological resilience, hypotheses for the phenomenon, and the upcoming goals of ufology. Support WTUFO: https://www.patreon.com/wtufo
Season 2
Episode 8

S2E7: Rationalists Should Support UFO Research
This audio essay is an invitation to folks who consider themselves rational thinkers. The independent intellectual community is well positioned to lead on UFOs. If you're still hesitant about engaging with this topic, I'll help you reexamine yo...
Season 2
Episode 7