What the UFO? We're processing the emerging scientific revolution around this fascinating subject.
We talk about what the UFO/UAP phenomenon might be, explore historical sightings, track new developments, and generally feel our way through this wild, exciting territory.
If you're a researcher, experiencer or ufologist and you'd like to share your story or get the word out about your work, please find us on X @WTUFOshow.
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S3E11: Dr. Michael Uhall ~ Author, Theorist, Indiana University Political Science Professor
Dr. Uhall teaches political theory and the history of thought at Indiana University and works as an administrator in research and strategy at the University of Illinois. He's working on a book called "Theory of the Alien."
We discuss conceptual structures related to humans, nature, space and aliens, and explore the academic theory work necessary to prepare for potential contact with extraterrestrial intelligence.
Michael's First Book: https://rowman.com/ISBN/9781666922530/Noir-Materialism-Freedom-and-Obligation-in-Political-Ecology
Michael's Website: https://www.michaeluhall.com/
Bohlander on ET Contact: https://www.amazon.com/Contact-Extraterrestrial-Intelligence-Human-Applicability/dp/9004677690
Wright on Deep Space Warfare: https://www.amazon.com/Deep-Space-Warfare-Military-Strategy-ebook/dp/B0841RSDZR/
Spacefare Shop: https://spacefare.etsy.com
WTUFO Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/wtufo
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