What the UFO? We're processing the emerging scientific revolution around this fascinating subject.
We talk about what the UFO/UAP phenomenon might be, explore historical sightings, track new developments, and generally feel our way through this wild, exciting territory.
If you're a researcher, experiencer or ufologist and you'd like to share your story or get the word out about your work, please find us on X @WTUFOshow.
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S4E3: Dr. Kimberly Engels ~ Philosophy Professor, John Mack Institute Director of Research and Development
Dr. Engels teaches philosophy at Molloy University, specializing in existentialism and phenomenology. She also leads Research and Development at the John Mack Institute, where she works to bring experiencer narratives into more scientific and public frameworks, and teaches independent courses on Shamanism and UFO/UAP experiences.
We discuss the state of experiencer research and the intersection of Dr. Engels' philosophical specialties with the UFO/NHI phenomenon.
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Music by John Hubbell: https://mathoftrees.bandcamp.com/album/math-of-trees
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